Friday, March 1, 2013

Interesting Comments on American Thinker

The Democrats of today are elitists and authoritarians. I have never met a Obamacrat that did not think this way. They are totally convinced of their own superiority. It is part of their personality and psychology. They got there from many different life experiences and believe that they are on this earth to rule and herd the rest of the population to their own advantage. They think they are better educated, smarter, and morally superior. They also think they should be in the ruling class and everyone else should acquiesce because of their self identified natural abilities. They hate everyone that does not think like they do. And they do not think that all are created equal under the law. They are contemptuous, racist, misogynist, regionalist, ageist and ignorant. They hate the very culture that has provided them with advantages which they refuse to acknowledge because it would mean they have to acknowledge their own weakness and shriveled little psyches.

We need to take back our government schools. If we can, we might have a chance to stop the production of Democrat voters. The Demoncraps are producing Democrat voters by destroying public school children's ability to be successful Americans. Children need a positive context for information. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are positive, constructive, and productive. Government school victims are being brainwashed into losers. Government school victims are being programmed and brainwashed into being poor, destructive, self-destructive, addicts, and dependent upon government welfare.

I worked with people who would covertly disrupt or destroy a project or plan so only they could be the ones to gallantly stride forth and fix it...leading to hero status among management and promotions.

This is the ulimate plan for Democrats, led by the Chicago Machine Politik.
Collapse the system, ride in as the saviors to fix it while blaming Republicans for "not giving them everything they wanted".

Many strident Liberals are already predicting the failure of ObamaCare because Republicans would not allow the SIngle Payer option. They're also (Krugman, et al) blaming Republicans for the failure of the recovery because we needed at least TWICE the amount of stimulus.

ANY compromise Democrats feel they're forced to make will some how hinder the success of anything they're trying to do. That will be the positioning for years to come, as economic collapse becomes a reality. This is why the Republican Party needs to reform and rebrand while it quietly stands-down. Everything will be their fault.

The Marxists have been in a stealth war of attrition until they assume enough power, accumulate sufficient allies (MSM, Hollywood, Big Education), and secure the allegiance of those sworn (top Military brass, SS ) to defend this nation, its Constitution and its citizens. They're either at the point--or close to it--where legal niceties, a "free" press, and a Constitution will no longer constrain them from completing the transformation from a Democractic Republic, to a full-fledged Fascist state run by neo-Marxists....with a racist chip on their shoulder and kinship with Muslim animals.

We're not talking about people who perceive reality or think like the rest of us. We're talking about people who are motivated by powerful, pathological compulsions to control and rule people, punish success, avenge themselves upon normal people, and above and beyond all else, express their blind hatred of America, American capitalism and wealth, the American way, and the American people. Looters and arsonists and rapists and armed robbers and cold-blooded murderers are oblivious to costs and consequences.

I think many of us still want to believe we're involved in an orderly, sometimes spirited, reconcilable political contest with people who uphold a philosophy somewhat different from ours. I'm sorry, friends, but that was a long time ago.

I say the "progressives" are the current iteration of Soviet communists who deliberately starved millions of kulaks to death and banished millions more citizens to prison camps. They're successors to the Maoists who deliberately starved millions of Chinese to death, at lesst half of whom were children. They're proud moral and intellectual descendants of the last century's most monstrous mass murderers.

And something you 'two wrongs make a right' people can't seem to get through your thick skulls is that, whether or not a person saying something is being a hypocrite has NOTHING to do with the truth of what they're saying. So rush has trouble with marriage. If he criticizes homosexual marriage, his own woes take NOTHING from the truth of what he says. (Unfortunately, the homofascists - you know, those HYPOCRITES who call for tolerance but can't manage to tolerate anyone who doesn't think like they do- seem to have gotten to his advertisers or something. He doesn't touch that issue anymore.)

Kudos to you Jim, since have apprehended the larger issue. The issue lies not simply in religious fanaticism, but in totalitarianism.

Hannah Arendt in "The Origins of Totalitarianism" explains what differentiates socialism or statism from the totalitarianism that existed in the USSR and Nazi Germany (and later Mao's China). It is a homogenization process that isolates the individual and the "atomization" of the masses attacking randomly any group that does not comply using propaganda and terror to force the individual or groups to capitulate.

She believed that the USSR had best achieved this horror of totalitarianism with the example of a woman whose husband would disappear and never be spoken of again for fear of reprisal. Is it any wonder that our elite, liberal progressives claim as their heroes either Stalin or Mao?

Some people know the term, 'self-hating Jews' which applies to Jews who make derogatory statements about Jews or Judaism. They can't change who they are but express contempt for their fellow Jews or Israel as a way of expressing their frustration or anger at their own identity.

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