Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Eschatology and the UFO Conspiracy.

Jesus said that God would give the masses over to a great delusion, that they would believe ‘the lie’. There are insinuations in the bible of a one world religion, and a one world governmental system. On account of the strongly entrenched schisms between the leading religions, and their devout adherence to their respective tenets, the most plausible way they could be led to give up their dogmatic positions is if their world-views were entirely upended by the appearance of an undeniable alien visitation. Yes I’m inclined to postulate that the anti-Christ is likely to appear in some highly advanced spaceship, to inspire the awe of humanity, then reveal himself as an alien in the form or body of a man.

Once he has sufficiently inspired the awe of men, and pronounced himself deserving of our esteem on account of his ascendency in technology, knowledge and temperance, He will claim himself to be the progenitor of the human race, and thus in a sense god. The bible described how, after the new temple in Jerusalem is built, he will sit on the throne and proclaim himself god of gods. The majority of people would only accept him and the new world religion if their world-views were sufficiently displaced and then remade by this man/beast.

Scientists universally accept the ‘reality’ of the existence of aliens upon contemplating the vastness of space, with its many millions of habitable planets, then coupled with the impelling and assured rise of life via the process of evolution, thus the jump to alien visitations by civilisations vastly more advanced than our own is not a great stretch. Since scientists and academics who submit themselves to the prevailing scientific theories are so influential the public even the Western religious groups will immediately subscribe to the consensus of the scientific community regarding the validity of this phenomenon. In-fact it might be so plain and obvious that deliberation be rendered redundant.

Since this alien figure is not from this planet and without prejudice and personal allegiance he will be considered an astute arbiter between state actors in geo-political conflicts, particularly the central issue in the affairs of the Middle East with Jerusalem. Upon establishing this new world religion and global peace, he will be able to re-establish somehow the Jewish temple without protest by the Muslims. If this is not the case, then Israel may have previously annexed the area due to escalating tensions spurring military action.

Despite my lack of a coherent theory of the sequence of events that are going to transpire before the end of the age, the book of revelations is fairly clear that the end will come after the anti-christ  rallies the nations of the world together to surround God’s chosen people, of the everlasting covenant, possibly due to unrelenting defiance of his(the anti-christ) claims to divinity, then in great desperation the Jews will be pressured to cry out to their Messiah whom they once rejected. Then the end will come, and a new beginning.

The bible describes an increase in the transpiring of signs and wonders in the heavens for instance; UFO sightings are greatly more prevalent than in the past, and this I believe is due to the manifestation of demonic power. This could be spurred on by the times themselves, or greater involvement in the occult, abandonment of the truth, and the increase in immorality. Most people who experience ‘alien abductions’ have some sort of involvement in the occult as stated by the secular literature. Many of these abductees’ gesture to invite demons into their lives upon witnessing a UFO in the sky, shortly thereafter they begin to experience more intensified demonic visions and abduction experiences; even those which involve sadistic torture and new-age indoctrination afterwards. Hence I believe that the demons are preparing people en-mass for the UFO conspiracy that will usher mankind into the very last days.

The elites which have control over the media and Hollywood instil snippets of their demonic revelations into the media, as to subtly and gradually prepare the psyche of the populace for the coming events. The narrative has already been rehearsed in their minds in preparation for them to credulously ingest this specially prepared lie. It is now ever-so important to dissect and interpret the symbolic significance of the cultural produce of our age. We can see the themes throughout our culture, and they aren't without significance like people will assert. Imagery and symbolism have a tremendous and powerful influence on people, if it didn't the historical faculties of propaganda wouldn't exist.

Refer to this link because this is the way we should be thinking, instead of mindlessly taking it all in like it is innocuous entertainment, if we take this attitude we make ourselves docile to their instruction and programming over time, our character becomes spoiled.

Here’s the link: http://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/the-cabin-in-the-woods-a-movie-celebrating-the-elites-ritual-sacrifices/

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