Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Subversion from the Stronghold of Academia

Gender is intimately tied to sexuality. If one managed rearrange their sexual orientation they are left with a muddled and disordered understanding of conventional and long standing gender roles, which are based on a Christian foundation in the West. For instance, when a gay man engages in the perversion of sodomy the receiver puts himself in a position of submission sexually to another man, by the nature of this act he transgresses the natural role of the man, degrading and repositioning himself into the role of the feminine. So the perverted act distorts the gender role in the personal sphere, but since what happens in the personal avails the entire life of a man and envelops his character, such things inevitably seep into the public realm, and support the amending(for the worse) and re-negotiation of social norms concerning the gender roles– this simply by the influence of gay people. 

The problem now is that the gay movement has hijacked the feminist movement, suggested by their interminable literary assaults against the ‘evil’ patriarchal hegemony and the oppression of women and minorities. They intend to offset the influence and focus of society regarding the stereotypical ’Christian, white, middle-class male’ , having invented a methodology of 'affirmative action' to right the wrongs of this hegemony. The banal repetition of these ideas in the liberal arts becomes tedious to the extreme. Though there is some merit in a dash of affirmative action, not taken to drastic measures, but I feel the cause has been facilitated as a way of corroding at the foundation of Western values. Perceived inequality and resulting solution of Affirmative action forms a basis of resentment toward Christian social-influence, stirring an emotional reaction against Christian values in its passed suppression of homosexuality, and an exaggerated overstatement on the restrains imposed on women.

The hijacked feminist movement, by the gays, and the gay movement itself are motivated by the lustful gratification of sexual deviance, whether a desire to satisfy lascivious tastes or homosexual ones. They attack society because traditionally it has not approved of their perverted lifestyles and self-degradation, but also because they might gain a platform to espouse their alternative life-style and gather participating converts to revel with. They present a front of equality and such but their real ulterior agenda is to completely transform society, by removing all semblance of traditional gender roles, creating a neutral ground for sexuality. From this phase they will then proceed to gradually make society ever more gayer, until we become like a modern Sodom. It is possible because the majority of people in ancient Greece for example practices homosexual sex, in-fact the first 12 or so kings of Rome were gay. Eventually it will be common for normal heterosexual or bisexual men to experiment homosexually, and remove their inhibitions which were once propped up by Christian society.

Marxist ideas serve the liberal elite well, like feminism Marxism endorses the removal of the primacy of the family in replacement with government oversight, whether it be in control of the economy through central planning, or a government implemented moral conditioning, through positive reinforcement and coercion. The end game is a collectivist society where children are raised by the government, not families, so that their allegiances to the government system are not jeopardised by countervailing ideologies so easily formed in a family setting. The object is to snuff out the opposition, and we see liberals becoming ever-more controlling in their methods.

Since the liberal elite are both in academia and parliament they can change social attitudes about sexuality by lambasting and stigmatising people who express non-politically correct opinions(essentially any view which opposes their own). THis is a form of mental-manipulation and is already happening, and people are so influenced by these intellectual-taboos that they dare not speak out against gay-marriage unless they face a strong vocal backlash of the left in all spheres. The elites and activist who mould public opinion have progressively accustomed us to their message, disseminating the idea that a disagreement with the homosexual life style is tantamount to an hating gay people. When such opinions are duly expressed it is deemed necessary to publicly blame and shame a person who holds such prejudicial views. The problem here which I so frequently repeat is that such a basis for reaction against 'prejudice' is only an emotional seed, implanted by a recently developing social trend, by people who hardly have a ontological basis for morality.
Recently a Christian band with a large following of around 200,000 remarked on their Facebook that homosexuality is a sin, they faced a bombardment of incessant abuse for days. While the famous band Lost Prophets, their vocalist was just convicted for conspiring to rape an infant and possession of child pornography, no such backlash or furore. TO me this just suggests that it is a decidedly intentional attack on Christianity, which is based on more dubious psychological and subconscious motives.

The United Nations and the liberals there-in, discounting the Muslims, are aspiring toward a pan-gay utopia, across the world. Not only this but the U.N and it's conventions and stipulations are aligning themselves against the concept of a nation as a distinct group of people, so there is some connection with a one world government, behind efforts to enforce the liberal agenda, with its inversion of Christian values. It will be a key method to facilitate the quenching of Christianity and Israel.

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