Friday, January 18, 2013

Scrutinising the Liberal

Upon reading the liberal-ideologue saturated news publications, when you come across an undertone demonising or disparaging the opposition(conservatives...) it's usually just an juvenile way of whining OVER NOTHING significant in an effort to get some social change in values. Not too dissimilar in method, but not extensively in intensity, to those Muslims who riot in Western nations for pathetic reasons. They are like petulant children throwing tantrums in order to get what they want. The problem is however, that it does get results. When there are dire things happening in the country, they turn the focus of the media toward relatively unimportant ideological issues and divisions, in order that the government would enshrine and enact their morality in legislation.

The gay marriage issue is so insignificant because gays already have rights and aren't marginalised like they used to be, and only consist of a minute portion of the population, who by the way think they have a 'right' to redefine the meaning of marriage for 99% of the populace. But now it has literally turned into a divisive crusade, intentionally escalated by MANY instinctual, emotionally driven, reality-averse infantile liberals, further entrenching disunity and opprobrium thrown against the other, hence my harshness here. The only driving force are their fickle feelings.

To me this slightly excessive characterisation, or figurative caricature, exemplifies the immaturity of MANY liberals. The unscrupulous interminable portrayal of conservatives, by some liberals as being uncaring, prejudiced, backward, bitter e.t.c., is merely a form of bullying and reveals the real character of these people, who will use what-ever tactics they can to achieve their goals (end justifies the means). These demeaning perceptions/attitudes generated by liberals are the prevailing ones in the public consciousness. And yes I have stooped to the level of liberal stereotyping so they can get a taste of their own medicine, but the fact that they have a monopoly hold on virtually all facilitation of public discourse on political and social issues, disparaging these people achieves virtually nothing. Despite this strong-hold of an influence on the minds and attitudes of the masses they endlessly, sanctimoniously deride conservatives and present issues in the most unbalanced way possible. Popular left-wing candidates and holders of office, their failings are hardly ever covered in detail, blame is always syphoned off by the assistance of the media, while the short-comings of the right-wing are magnified and scrutinised. They, the media and liberal elite don't hold their own ideologues to account in fear of undermining the reputation and influence they posses. The Benghazi cover-up assisted by the lack of media coverage is a prime example.

The fact that liberals use such dishonest tactics should say a lot about the 'ideals' they enshrine, or should I say the lack there-of. The mindset of MANY liberals seems to primarily revolve around self-absorbed gratification of crude desires, forgoing rationality or subordinating it to the service of those desires. For instance in seeking to establish sexual-liberation ideals but being negligent into thinking about the ramifications of said ideals, and further using specious arguments to support the cause. When the consequences of their implemented sexual-ideals come to the fore, they deny responsibility and come up with some other 'social-reform', like killing off unwanted unborn babies or a lax justice-system(to deal with the generations of neglected children), where we now have recidivist offenders who have been convicted of literally hundreds of offences happily at-large.

Liberals have essentially derailed society and provided the crooked platform for a terminal decline, always willing to continually direct us in the wrong direction with new failing policies, all because they haven't addressed the real issue, which invariably stems back to the social embrace of sexual perversion, the corrupting force behind most things. The logic is simple: sex produces children. If you have sex without being in a life-commitment with your partner you will probably produce children while you are unlikely to remain committed to your sexual partner in the long-term. This is the cause of familial breakdown. Familial breakdown harms children emotionally. Emotionally harmed children, by neglect or bad parenting, or by an absent father, are more likely to recoil and rebound by hurting the society they are in, and also perpetuate the sexual cycle of their parents. Social Policy and theory that doesn't address this core issue only amounts to putting a plaster on a wound that needs stitching.

The sum of the story is that feelings takes precedence over reason, and reason is only used insofar that it supports the emotional position of the liberal statesman, and that emotional position is usually caught up in ideals of sexual preference, economic-equality, equal-rights for gays(even to the detriment of adopted children), or equal opportunity for the hordes of poor masses to flood the country and deprive real citizens of jobs and dilute the local culture, probably in retaliation against the hated Christian past and its 'oppressive' values.

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